Sunday, March 23, 2008

Plugging your image into God

Genesis 1:27- So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Do you try to keep up with the latest fashion or style?
Do you want to have the same outfit everyone else has?
Does your personality reflect off of your peers?
Do you try to be like everyone else?
Do you go out of your way to try and be like everyone else so you can "fit in"or try and catch the attention of others?
The world has set a very bad example for girls our age, we see celebrates that wear less clothes then they would wear to bed. They make it seem like the only way these days to get guys attention is to revel everything that God has blessed them with.
That isn't true. God has a plan for each and everyone of our lives.
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
There are girls everywhere that struggle with trying to be into the latest style but really God did not intend for us to be like everyone else. He designed us to be unique in our style and with our personality.
Don't get me wrong our looks are important. We don't need to go out dressing like a grandma or anything. Just have your own style. Be unique with the things you do. It can really effect people around you. They see you and they may think "Hey I don't have to dress like everyone else is or have that same personality that everyone else has to noticed" Because that they see you are happy with who you are, not what the world tries to get you to be like. My friend Helena wrote this in one of her blogs. "God created you, not the world" I really like this saying because it is true. The world didn't create you, it didn't form you in your mother womb, give you that special unique look, God did. He is the only one who can do that and that has the power to do that!
I really like what my bible says about self-control
"Self-control doesn't mean you are in charge of your own destiny...It's about submitting yourself to the Holy Spirit's control and letting Him live through you. When God saves you, you are not a slave to sinful desires anymore - you actually have the ability to do what is right! You can say no to sin and yes to good things that God wants us to do."
Let me ask you another question...
Do you gave self-control or do you give into the temptations or the world?
Does your image reflect the world or does it reflect God?
Don't let the wrong image take you hostage. Let the real image God created reflect off you and onto others.
Imagine this: You just bought the coolest computer ever. Well you set it up and you are ready to use it and try it out for the first time. You push the power button and nothing happens. You start to panic and you are like "What?!? Why?!?! I just bought this million dollar computer and it doesn't work!!!" Well then you think "Maybe I forgot to plug something in" You look around and notice you forgot that plug. the one that goes from the computer to the electrical outlet. You go in search of it, worried that you can not find it, but after looking for a while you decide to look in the box the computer came in. BINGO there it is! You are so excited that nothing is wrong with your computer and that you found that plug, that makes the magic happen. You plug it in and you have Success!! It works!
The same is with us today. If we care more about our looks and personality that the world displays for us we will not work correctly. We need to go and find that plug, the plug that makes everything happen correctly. The only one who can help us function the way we are suppose to is God. He created us to function many ways, but there is only one right way. The way that we were originally made to do. Seek more of Him and less of us.
Matthew 5:14-16 says 14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
I really like this verse because if we take off the mask of the world and plug our image into God's image then people can see God's light through us and we will stand out. We will be different then others because if we are willing to follow God. Then we can be able to minister to people and show them the light that will lead us through our hard times.

I challenge you today. Take off that mask of the world, and go find the real you. The person God intended for you to be. Be the light to the people around you! Help them see the goodness of God, and all the awesome things He will do in your life and in theirs.
If you are reading this today and have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and you Savior, I challenge you to make that strong commitment. It can and will change your life! Plug your life into God, he will do amazing things in your life and He loves you very much. He sent His own son Jesus to die on the cross for You and I so that when we sin we will be forgiven. Just remember that God loves you very much and He cares for you and He will always be there for you if no one else is. And if you accept Jesus into your life, and do the things He wants us to do. when you die you will live in eternity with Him.
John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Dear Lord,
I am here today because I know I am a sinner. I have been following the wrong image that the world reflects on everyone. Lord, I am ready to take the fake mask off and plug my life and my image into You Lord. Please forgive me of my sins, I know I have done wrong and Lord I am sorry for that. Please lead me more towards you Lord and let me shine your light to others around me.
Thank you for your goodness and mercy Lord.


CG said...

Amen Sister! I love what you are doing! You are a willing vessel! Love ya!

Missy said...

Thanks Cathy!